Saturday, October 29, 2005
Monday, October 17, 2005
Gettin' our tourist thang on

The gang doing our touris thing in Philly. Collie appears to be telling Martin a very interesting fact, while Lisa fixes her hair... That's the Ben Franklin building in the background, it used to be the tallest building, then they built the liberty buildings higher, which they think has jinxed all their sports teams who havent won anything since...maybe they're just shit! Amy
It's actually the William Penn building, otherwise Philly would be in Franksylvania( nice idea), anyhoo, its not that they are sgit , they have been to a monkey load of finals in basketball, hockey and football since 83, they just ain't one since his pedestal was taken. Collie
Rocky, Rocky, Rocky!!
Oh yes, 'tis the very steps big sly stallone climbed!! It's a big thing that everyone races up the steps. Just before we raced a line of people the whole width of the steps raced up, alorra fun! Amy
Just noticed i'm beatin the armagh's boy ass down, ONE STEP BEYOND!!!!!!!!!!!! Look how the boy cheats, he knows how big i am , so if he throws out a hand , he's bound to grab something......................CHEATIN BASTARd.
thats armagh all over, cheat to win.............. thats why hurling rules. COLLIE
Love Square
Random or what?! Collie doesn't like it, but I think it's quirky, it's pink! Amy
Ahm was a bit naff really, i really thought it looked shite. I'll tell u how shite, the idea of the fountain is that u look through it and see the Philly Museum of Arts(the one that Rocky ran up the steps of),see above, which during the a normal spray of water, when looking up International drive(Franklin boulevard) is amazing, THIS IS PINK WATER, I did tell people about the sight of the Museum beyond, didn't sink in.IT'S PINK WATER, like somebody dropped a fake blood capsule in it. Dye great, amazing architecture.............lets go with the dye. U CAN'T EVEN SEE THE MUSEUM IN THE PHOTO......THERE'S A LOAD OF PINK CRAP IN THE WAY ...........COLLIE
Glen liked my T-shirt!

Saturday, October 08, 2005
Martins truest form

Lovely shot of the boy crummy, playin Wisconsins 2nd favorite sport, beer pong, soon to be comin to Ireland. idea is to throw a ping-pong ball into a cup of beer, 1 of 6 in a triangle. When the ball lands in it , you drink it. Bad players get worse as they progressivly get drunk, Mart and i ain't too bad, this was 9:30 in the morning before the game. Lovely flow to the wrists don't u think
Sunday, October 02, 2005
How the wis was won

o.k now not too many games at home kick off at 11 in the mornin, but because of the pressures of t.v and scheduling our College team in the BIG TEN Division, Uni Wisconsin Badgers did(yeah how dare they take our blogs name and attach it to a team) only one thing to do--Madison the night before and early for the game, i mean 9a.m early. drinking beast(Milwalkie's best [the rest must be shit]), beer-ponging (check Martins style) and shots of vodka, thats a Saturday morning for ya. Screw yer fry ups people.
Anyhow we (amy and i) blagged two 50yard line tickets behind the Badgers and Mart and Lisa were in seats.......seats! this is our amy in the 3rd quarter after a couple of Bratwersts and Nachos. The Badgers won 41-17, ranked top ten in country now, so the state has gone nuts.
Oddly i'm still into the baseball more, too many breaks in football. Whay too many