Friday, September 30, 2005
their evil in a nice way here

went to the brewers game in Miller Park( not a gaa pitch named after steven) the new baseball field in Milwalkie, designed in Europe, built by Japanese, filled by fat people. And oddly Sith footsoldiers on their days off apparently. Anyway last home game of the season, Brewers won, the Carrick sausage won the race, (rugby colours, number 2) and the jedi's don't eat cheese. Packers hat, packers Hat.
$7 beer though, wots that about, the night before in our bar, it's $7 all u can drink, yes i did say all u can drink. thats a lot.
By the way thats our man Sam Martino (o'Martin) good guy, drives an Impala( screw u 50 cents) he is the G unit, geriatric
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
couple weeks in

well the initial goin mad has died off, and we ain't been out for two nights, but tonight is early.
So far this place has been pretty sweet to us, but i'm really only on to throw up a couple of shots. the vast skyline of Chicago( Sears tower is the one in the middle of shot with the GAA post on it)... it's not small, it's just far away.
the other shot is the camp x-ray type rooms we gotta rough in till x-mas, and they complain in the joy. Muck out, we have to walk 50 metres to our bogs and we don't even have t.v, which i may add, the whole building t.v in the basement IT'S STUCK ON ONE CHANNEL! Cos some crethin robbed the remote, and the buttons (i shit u not) the buttons to change channel.
Anyhow, later.
Friday, September 09, 2005
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Our five minutes of fame
The boys are stuck in Whitewater not able to see the Ireland vs. France match. So we log onto RTE, it doesn't work. So we have to watch the minute to minute report on the guardian website, this is what the author Rob said in his report:
29 mins: Keane brings down Vieira, and I never thought I'd wait 29 minutes to type that, just as I never thought I'd wait 29 years (and counting) to find my bride. Anyway, Ireland's hunger - on the pitch and in the stands - really is admirable, and they've just about been the better side now. "Hay Rob, 2 Irish guys in the wilderness of Wisconsin," begins Collie. Ah I lovee this joke, it's a cracker. "Tryin to keep up with the game, and RTE's web service is down, and Setanta over here is showin Italy, your the only one with a good report, give Collie and Martin shout out there will ya. Journo students on exchange ya know..". So what's the punchline anyway?
Monday, September 05, 2005
Can I've a sup??

Whitwater rocks ass, the streets are like a movie set and we are partyin in dolls' houses, they're so cute! plus at one party the guy had his own little brewery goin on. obviously we're here to further our education... my first class is tap dance... and they love us, the 'i'm irish' lark works like a charm. And Lisa rocks whitewater, shes drinking vodka quicker then me, but i told here to remember the story of the 'Tortoise and the Hare.' We've introduced them to our culture too (look left) love Amy B
rum, sodomy and the law
this town has 5 agencies of inforcment, yes 5 in an area and poupulation roughly similar to Clonmel, about 13,000, so it was long before we became friends. Having your name spelt out in that Police language, you know alpha, romeo, oscar, bravo, is something that all should try at least once.
this is our first night in as we have a soccer match tomorrow and need to be fit, so there's a blinding chance we won't, check amy further down the page.
Chicago's a wee bitty expensive, like DUBLIN STYLE plus tips and the hard rock is rubbish, should have known, nice skyline, alright i suppose, we'll do a weekend there just for research reasons.
keepin my mischeif away from the camera's glare. i'll let god be my judge.
Jagerbombs aren't as good here, but the women don't know that, and thats the way we like it!!!!!!
madison next to see a college fottie game, car lots, bbq's, "THE BEAST" ON TAP, a rather pugent form of larger akin to warm harp sold from an off licence that found it in the attic sith old ring pulls and a horseslips picture on the box, oh yes it's that good, beats the crap outta wife beater artois.
Anyway till nxt time, if i could be arsed, enjoy life.
Martin's little bit
Whitewater is hot! i mean really HOT!! there should be photos up some time to actually prove that the bar people in this little town now know the Irish crew and i think i heard the mention of free beer every Tuesday and Wednesday night last night. LEDENDS the whole lot of them. In the words of Ross O'Carroll Kelly, 'You'll find me in the bor, Roysh!'
Anyway i am playing soccer 2mmor in a wee college game which should be fun. I have picked like way too many sports and will either burn out by mid october or be butch by the time i grace the halls of the Henry Gratten again. I think the former could be closer to the truth.
I still have only 11 credits and i need 12, think another sport is called for. I finished on 1pm on a Thursday and that's me for the weekend. Get in.
Missin wee Rita Whyte loads and cant wait to have her over in October..ohhh yeah!! Collie is hitting the ladies scene pretty well, i on the other hand is just missing my G/F!!
i gotta a bit of an ol' tan happening on my feet but the good news folks is that i dont own a jacket yeah i am gona freeze my little ass off come October.
oh and i am semi blonde after my fellow blogger Amy B got her mitts on me in NY. it has started to grow out now which ain't looking HOT.
HOT is my word of the day can't you tell.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
it's too much to bring a camera out with us as its too hot and my shorts don't posess pockets, but we will. lets just say we'd prob leave it and forget it as drink is cheaper than water here, and its really hot so martin and myself are hittin the fluids rapid.
just registered all i wanted today as we blaggged our way into classes that were already full so i've ruined some americans education who's gettin deropped out of the classes aswell
we'll have photos tomorrow maybe, thirsty thursday and afterhours invite to our local, 'the downstairs' all good